“Witchcraft, Christianity and the Paranormal”, Perfect together ??

       Ghost hunting. We all love it. We all have our own motivations for it with different goals we want to get out of it. But how does our belief system fit into it. Does it fit into it at all?  Does it conflict with others? Will it conflict with the client? Is there a happy medium? (no pun intended).  Hopefully this article will enlighten and motivate us to dig a little deeper in understanding our clients and ourselves.     

      Ghosts have been around,.. well since forever. Ancient man has always had a fascination with what happens after we die. It doesn’t really matter if you believe if we evolved over millions of years or are a hardcore Christian and believe we’ve only been here about 6000 years. The written history and artifacts that we CAN find and touch show us that man and society has a basic need for spirituality. The way that we as a society have expressed that is through religion.

     Religion is nothing more than man trying to know and understand the Higher Power that each of us innately know is there. People know that there is SOMETHING BIGGER than themselves and through the centuries and eons have reached out through religion, through ceremonies and beliefs to try to connect to the SOMETHING out there. To try to understand it. To try to understand OURSELVES and why we are here. What is the bigger plan?  What after all IS “the meaning of Life?  


     So what exactly defines a Pagan religion or culture?

     The widest definition of the term Pagan refers to all religions that are not in the Abrahamic category. That is those of a monotheistic faith (a belief in One God) with their origins in the Middle East, like Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Within this category of Paganism can be found pantheism (God and Nature are one in the same), polytheism (belief in many gods and goddesses) and Animism (the belief that non-human entities i.e. trees, rocks and such also possess a soul).

     How does this fit in with Witchcraft? We’ll get to that but for right now just understand that Witchcraft is a form of paganism that encompasses some, all and more of the belief systems mentioned above.

     Christianity as most people think had its start in the person of Jesus Christ. Well this is true to a point. He was the beginning but actually the beginning of a belief that one could interact with the Supreme Being simply by faith and nothing else.

     He did not come to start a religion. He didn’t come to replace any or tear any down but His impact was quite revolutionary.  

     At the time of Christ there were no Christians, only Jews and everyone else (Hindus, Zoroasters, and various pagan faiths with Rome being the predominate player in the local religious world). If you were a follower of Christ, that was it, you were just a follower. Nothing special. But you did stand a very good chance of being kicked out of your family if you turned your back on the family’s faith, in this case Judaism.

     The first people recognized as “Christians” were the disciples at Antioch and no they did not possess a “Holy Hand Grenade”.

     To be identified as a Christian back then was a dangerous thing. For one thing, your Jewish family would totally disown you; maybe even try to kill you. On top of that you became a threat to the government of Rome.

     Rome at the time was the supremacy of pagan culture. It was also the most powerful empire and theocracy (remember that word?) in the world. To be a citizen of a Roman state you were required to pledge allegiance to Rome and its belief that the emperor was god in the flesh.   

      Contrary to popular belief Rome was quite tolerant of other religions just so long as you paid homage to the emperor or Caesar. The problem was that this new group, these Christians, weren’t going for that. They only believed in “one” God, not the myriad of gods and goddesses of Rome. Additionally they refused to recognize the Caesar as god on earth (wait isn’t that the pope?) even when the penalty for such belief was death. Now they were some hardcore Christians.

      Christianity began to take a foothold throughout the Middle East and Rome tried to put a stop to it but as hard as it tried to squash it, this new faith of Christianity thrived even more. Along the way with Rome’s own civil war and its expansion of its territories, Rome encountered many new pagan religions and cultures. True to its own self, Rome allowed the religions to stay in place while trying to incorporate some of their new beliefs into its own state religion known as “Numa”.

      Christians on the other hand were still blacklisted until about 313 AD when Constantine the Great issued a new law legalizing Christianity. Now Christianity had become the new state mandated religion and the tables turned on paganism outlawing it by 391

      Still during that time Rome incorporated many customs, gods and other items of the fading pagan religions into the new “acceptable” church. This “church” was different from very early Christianity in that it was run, accepted and protected by the state. If anything this new Christianity should be called Churchianity since it bears little resemblance to the original.  What type of things were carried over? Realize that a lot of these things were widely accepted and openly practiced as part of a pagan culture without fear. Now the practice of such was outlawed, punishable by death, unless of course it was part of the new “church” program.


Let’s take a look at some Holidays

    One of the best known is Christmas. How appropriate since we’re already here. This is the biggest holiday that we all know and love but Surprise, Surprise; this most Holy Christian Holiday actually has

         VERY pagan roots. WHAT !!!

    You know, with the Christmas tree all lit up, the Yule log and Mistletoe. Oh let’s not forget the wreaths, poinsettias and the candle light on the table      

    Sorry,  Pagan, pagan, pagan, pagan.

    If one does a little research you’ll find that there is also a major pagan holiday right about the same time. Yes, as a matter of fact it’s called the Winter Solstice or Yule. The first day of winter, December 21. What this day is, is actually a major holy-day or holiday for those in the pagan culture.

    This is a day of the rebirth of all living things and also of the pagan Sun-god. Interestingly enough Emperor Constantine who had legalized Christianity and declared himself a “Christian” was also a devoted worshiper of the Sun-god. Such was his devotion that when he had the city of Constantinople built, the temple to the Sun-god was the only pagan temple allowed. Now this is coming from a man who was extremely influential on the beginnings of the “church” age and also a pagan worshiper.

    So you may say that the date is off. Actually in some “pagan” cultures, Winter solstice was celebrated for several weeks beginning around 21-22 December and continuing into January.  What’s this got to do with December 25? The date of the 25th was first proposed by Julius Caesar (a pagan emperor) as the beginning of the winter solstice back in 46 BC (BEFORE Christ) but as time went on and different calendars were developed the date shifted back to as far as December 12th. 

    It wasn’t until 1582 that Pope Gregory decided to standardize the civil calendar and church holidays and in doing so declared 25 December as the Winter Solstice and also the date that Jesus was born. Hey, he’s the pope. He could declare anything he wanted. Isn’t it interesting that the Pope would declare the God of Creation should be born on the same day as the rebirth of the pagan Sun-god? This is the same as the declaration made by Julius Caesar that 25 December was the Winter Solstice.

    Actually if the pope’s minions had done their math better, they would have discovered that there was a 3 day error in one of the older calendars they were referencing and winter solstice actually occurs between 21-22 December. So the pagans kept their holiday (and accurate date) and the church kept its Christmas holiday on 25 December. After all, it was declared by the pope and he couldn’t be wrong, could he?

   Some may say big deal, it’s just a date. My point is that the “church” seems to want to reference their holidays and events around already established holidays and declare themselves the winner.


   There is an excellent book out for those who wish to follow up on. Its title is “The star that astonished the world”, written by Ernest L. Martin. It was published in 1991 and goes into depth as to how he arrives at a very close date to the birth of Jesus Christ. Because of its “accuracy” many planetariums used it as the basis for their Christmas programs. One of the most interesting things I found was that the date he arrived at wasn’t 25 December for the birth but 11 September. 9/11? Spooky stuff but very interesting considering this book was published in 1991.

    Another item that is thought provoking is the circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ. Everyone remembers the 3 wise men don’t they. If anyone can show me in the Bible that there were 3 wise men I would really appreciate it. It’s not there!!

    It does talk about Magi from the east but it doesn’t say that there were 3 of them. There was probably quite a few of them with an entourage. Just who were they? To make a long story short they were known as Zoroastrians. It was the major religion of the area known as Iran. Persia in that day. Interesting enough they were the expert astronomers and ASTROLOGERS of the day.

    Their divinations and readings showed that a major King was to be born in Bethlehem at the time. So combining that and with an obvious (to them) sign in the sky (the star), it took them on their journey to give homage to the new king.

    Isn’t it interesting that the God of the entire Universe, who could write out a message in the stars in 10 different languages if He so chose, made the choice to reveal this earth changing news of the birth of His Son to shepherds in the fields (yes that is in the Bible) and to the worlds expert (but Pagan) ASTROLOGERS !!!!!!!!!

     I have often wondered “Why?” without a satisfactory answer but if God is so adamant about not interacting with people outside of the “faith” (being Judaism or Christianity) why did He chose a group so far out in left field. Maybe because its not so far out. Maybe its because we, ourselves set the boundary line CLOSER than it should be.


    How about another major holiday, Easter?  The death and resurrection of the Lord.

    To witches it is called Ostara, a day of rebirth, celebrated with symbols of birth and life, such as “bunnies”, “eggs” and “little chicks”. Boy, that sounds like Easter

                Our Easter is always celebrated on March 22. No wait, Is it April 3. Or maybe its March 30. Whatever it is, its never the same day unlike the 4th of July is always celebrated on the 4th of course. When is your birthday? It never changes does it? How about when Uncle Charlie died? That day is pretty well fixed in time. So why is Easter different?  Its because it is celebrated on the first Sunday “following the first Full Moon after the vernal equinox”. (the first day of spring).  Boy you thought only witches celebrated things around Full Moons? Check again my friend. The Catholic Church and other organized religions have many feast days and Holy days tied into lunar events.


    So you may say that is only in modern times but I beg to differ with you. Much of the Old Testament where God was actively interacting with mankind had many feasts tied into the lunar calendar. On top of that, connected with these feasts and festivals; those of the Jewish faith practiced animal sacrifices during new moons and full moons.

Some additional dates include 14 February, AKA Valentine’s day, which started in Rome as a festival for Lupercus, the hunter of wolves.

    How about May Day? May 1st, very big in Europe and Russia. Did you know that is also known as the pagan holiday of Beltane?

    Here’s an easy one. Sunday church services. Ever wonder why churches have service on Sunday? After all it is the FIRST day of the week, not the last (that would be Saturday). God did say in Genesis that he finished all His work first and then He rested. So why Sunday if it’s the first day of the week?

    The early Christians (remember those guys from Antioch?) kept the Sabbath on Saturday until 321AD when Constantine signed into law that the Sabbath would now be on Sunday because that was the day the pagans worshipped the SUN GOD (Sunday?) Those who would not worship on Sunday were put to death.  Ha! and we thought we were such good Christians!


                THINK !!! Understand the origins of your own faith and you will see that the faith and beliefs of others is not that far off.


    The above examples are only the TIP of the iceberg. If you wish to look further (and I wish you would) you will find examples of Paganism throughout symbology, common everyday sayings, architecture; even Corporate names and on and on.

    Example. Where did the car company Mazda gets its name from? Up until 1984 it was known as the “Toyo Cork Kogyo Co” then in that year the name was switched to Mazda, partly in reference to its founder, “Jujiro Matsuda”. Mostly though it was in reference to the god “Ahura Mazda” who was/is the supreme being of the religion of “Zoroastrianism”. HMMM, Where have I heard that term before?

    The point I am trying to make here is that paganism permeates our society and world. You cannot escape it. You can try to understand it though. The reason I focus on paganism here is because Witchcraft is only a small part of the paganistic culture. People love to throw stones at what they think is a MAJOR sin in others and totally ignore all the other bad stuff people do because “everybody does it”. To single out witchcraft and say how bad it is, is like singling out the Episcopalians and pick apart their beliefs because it does not match up to the Methodists or the Catholics. (well, they do that anyhow, sheeesh !)


     Now you’re probably sitting there thinking “What does this have to do with the paranormal?” Don’t forget we are dealing with some beings and entities that have been around for a LOOOONNGGG time; years, decades, thousands of years. Some are holding grudges. Some have their own agenda’s. You don’t want to be bringing any home with you because some do not make very good pets.

     Some of these know all about you and have watched you for years (and still do). They know your reactions and triggers and probably understand you better than you know yourself. Some have more power that you would want to imagine and can be used in very nasty ways. Not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. The scary thing is YOU CANNOT SEE THEM !!

     But aren’t we suppose to judge what we think is wrong and put a stop to it? Maybe, but let me share this with you and you can be the JUDGE.


      When it came to judgment lets see how Jesus Himself approached the situation. In the gospel of John chapter 8.

              In this Jesus is making the big shots of the lands religion toe the line and be accountable for what they say and they are trying to trip him up because they feel the pressure. Here they create a situation that they know He can’t talk his way out of and if He doesn’t answer correctly; He’s proven then to be a phony. Now the heads of the “religion” have caught a woman having sex with a guy. It doesn’t really say which one was the married one but it doesn’t matter because the woman always gets blamed anyway. Now this is not someone who they “thought” was being naughty; this was a woman they caught “in the very act” (funny, I guess the guy was “caught in the act” too but no mention of him here) so there was no grey area here. (and what were they doing peeking in that window anyway?

      According to Moses law, this woman was to be stoned to death for such an act (actually according to Leviticus 20:10 BOTH the man and the woman were to be stoned but it seems the guy gets away with it. I guess they really had it in for that woman). The Pharisees (the leaders) knew what the punishment was and put Jesus to the test. Pass it or you’re an imposter.

     On the other hand we have Jesus, as God in the flesh, who could easily have said, “Hey guys, you’re right. Stone her and don’t forget the guy either”. But instead He does something totally unexpected.


Read this:

     The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.  When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." (John 8 3-11)

    Now here you have the God of the Universe with someone guilty as can be standing in front of Him, waiting for her punishment and what does He do? He forgives her and lets her go. He overlooks her screw up and tells her not to do it anymore then sends her on her way.

     What would todays Christian do? They’d be flinging that first stone screaming how forgiven they are but what a sinner she is. And the guy she was with? How dare she make that poor man falter in his ways. (Although the last time I checked, it does take two to Tango)              

     That is not the example Jesus left. The Bible says God is the ONLY judge, not us. So if God in the flesh Himself wouldn’t condemn her, what right do we have?  I often wonder what it was that Jesus wrote on the ground. It may have been a mirror into each one’s soul standing there. Look inside yourself FIRST and you’ll find you’re no better than that woman getting ready to be stoned to death.


If you are dealing with someone with different beliefs, so what!


     That is their belief system and it’s between them and the Supreme Being of the universe to deal with. And if that Supreme Being has not felt the need to strike that person down with lightning or give them a short life span then who are you to step into the place of God and correct God on how life should be.

     Folks we are dealing with clients and with each other and each of us is as different as the next person. What is working for me to get through life will not necessarily work for you. So should I fault you or condemn you because you are not doing what I am doing? Perhaps you think so; but that is not the example that God left us with.

     Christianity is not difficult to understand, neither is Witchcraft.  Yes, in organized religion you’ll have ceremonies and tradition but you’ll have that in Witchcraft too.


The basis for Christianity is really extremely simple; in 4 verses in the Bible.

Surprisingly Witchcraft has the same basis.


      In Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus Himself spelled out the secret to the whole book and its unbelievable how many overlook it, for really the whole basis of Christianity resides right here.

Read this:

     "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"


      Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the FIRST and GREATEST commandment.


      And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.


     'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

      (Matt 22:36-40)

     Simple, to the point, no frills added. Nothing in there about judging anybody else, throwing rocks or jumping up and down like a fool and pointing out how bad someone else is.


But wait, you said Witchcraft has the same basis ?!?!?!?!?!

     Certainly, if you will look and research or ask, the answer if very simple.

     Wicca, like every other religion on Earth, has its own take on the Supreme Being.

        Theirs is “Spirit” - an entity made of a female half (the Goddess) and a male half (the God). The God and Goddess are completely equal - neither is more powerful or important than the other, and together they are two halves of the whole Spirit. Christians should not think this as being strange either since we have 3 Gods in one

     Unlike the Christian picture of the old man with the beard (who, incidentally, bears a startling resemblance to the pagan king-Gods such as Zeus), sitting in Heaven and looking down on the Universe, the God and Goddess are immanent meaning that they are present in every thing on Earth.

     Immanence is important here because this is what God did through Christ. He became present in physical form. So when Christians worship Jesus, they are worshiping God in his physical form

     In the same token when a witch worships nature, the sun, moon, trees, water etc. they are in essence worshiping the creators also.


     I am not here to say who is right and who is wrong. We have enough wars and fighting going on now because of that.

     Look at the similarities though. Witches are not worshiping trees and rocks because they hope it will tick off the neighbors (and could get themselves killed in the process).

The god and goddess are present in those things of nature. They follow this form of worship because they are in essence honoring the creators,   Loving God with all their heart, soul and mind.  What about loving your neighbor?

     Yes even witches follow that Golden Rule except it may be worded a little differently.


First we have the Wiccan Rede – “An it harm none, do what ye will”


or in simpler terms it can be said as” Do what you will, so long as it harms none “.  The Rede is the basic tenet that a witch lives by just as the “10 commandments” (or suggestions nowadays) is the basis for some of the Christian faith. It states specifically “Harm none”. This includes the annoying Christian who won’t leave them along, the angry boss, the needy client and the woman caught in the very act of adultery.  HARM NONE.

It can’t be any simpler than that.


     And to follow up with that there is also the Rule of 3 which is another tenet held by Pagans. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.

    So as you would do no harm to yourself, neither would a witch/pagan wish harm to come to another. They know that according to the Rule of 3 and the Rules of Karma that the negativity that goes out from them comes back 3 times as strong. On the flip side, a blessing that goes out from them will come back to them 3 times strong. Now which do you think they are more apt to do?

That sounds awful similar to loving your neighbor as yourself.


     Hopefully I have opened up your eyes to consider the other person, especially that other person that you are working with in the dark, in someone else’s house, dealing with things that might not be that friendly. We need to watch each other’s back and the clients.

     This is open for discussion anytime. Just no stone throwing or burnings. That should only take place in Monty Python movies.